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Paper Topics Aboutthe Ontological Argument
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Outsiders - What Is the Outsiders Persuasive Essay Topics?
Outsiders - What Is the Outsiders Persuasive Essay Topics?Creating persuasive essays is very easy. You just need to get a little creative and understand some of the lesser known and overlooked persuasive essay topics. When you master these areas you will be well on your way to writing powerful and persuasive essays.Generally, a lot of people in the establishment field gravitate towards this topic. It makes sense. By reading and answering a question about why a business owner would choose that topic, this can give you an additional insight into the mindset of the person. You can see the best strategies and tactics that they have employed.Some of the examples of the outsiders persuasive essay topics are: An Introduction, The Reasons and Value of Legal Formation, Values, Plans and Plan B's. These all have their own benefits, but I find these some of the most commonly used topics. This allows you to grab attention with your topic when it comes up in conversation.One thing you need to use is variety. You want to tell a story and not be an essay of one-liner. Think of some examples of real life issues where you have had to decide and make a decision about something. You can come up with some interesting and intriguing scenarios.Outsiders these essay topics to those who are highly educated. If you are not, you might want to try writing the second essay topic because it will still be intriguing and worthy of your attention. That doesn't mean you won't be able to come up with the same exact story in your first topic, though.For instance, if you are really looking for a new and different topic, consider writing about your interests. Do you enjoy music? Write a great music essay and you will be on your way to getting a book manuscript accepted.Let's face it. Writing is a skill. If you have a talent for it and you learn how to practice it, you will be able to reach a level of fluency that allows you to produce one-liners with no problems at all.For those who are just start ing out and want to really impress the audience they are trying to persuade or convince, consider adding your talents to write one of the few powerful essay topics out there. Get ready to change the world.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Vitamins and Dietary Supplements
Vitamins and Dietary Supplements FDA Regulations Regarding Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Home›Informative Posts›FDA Regulations Regarding Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Informative PostsDietary supplements, nutritional supplements or food supplement are preparations that supplement the diet and provides certain essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, fibers and amino acids that is either missing in the diet or is available but insufficient in quantities. The definition of dietary supplement varies from countries, with others categorizing it as food while others categorize it as natural health products or drugs. Codex Alimentarius; a collection of international guidelines ,standards ,codes and recommendations that relate to food production, food safety and foods categorize supplements containing dietary minerals and vitamins as food(Altman, pgs 34). The codex alimentarius that is an organization sponsored by food and Agriculture Commission and the world heath organization draw s up these texts. This research paper gives an insight on the roles of Food and Drugs Administration and answers the question whether the FDA require more regulations to ensure the safety of Dietary supplements.The FDA, which is an abbreviation for Food and Drug Administration, is responsible for the regulation of dietary supplements categorized as foods and not dietary supplements categorized as drugs. It is important to note the pharmaceuticals companies should obtain approval by the FDA, a process that involve assessing the benefits and the potential risks a head of their entry into the market. The distributors and manufacturers must notify the FDA before introducing before marketing the dietary supplements that contains new ingredients such as mineral, vitamins, amino acids herb or any other botanical( Flynn ,pgs 56).The dietary supplement with new ingredients intended for use by people for the purposes of increasing the dietary intake of particular minerals, vitamins or the introduction of new ingredients to the supplements with an aim of increasing an extract, constituent, metabolite or concentrate or any combination from the above should not enter the market before notification of the FDA. Such a notification by distributors and manufacturers dealing in the food should indicate the information on safety of the new ingredient, pending the marketing of the dietary supplement until the seventy-five days after notification elapses. The FDA is responsible for reviewing the information to ascertain the adequacy of information provided and consider safety concerns (Altman, pgs 34).In the year 2007, the FDA implemented the existing good manufacturing practices guidelines with an aim of ensuring that the quality of dietary supplements is up to the international standards ,is free of impurities or contaminant and the labeling is accurate. This policy equally ensures that the labeling, manufacturing, packaging and storing of the dietary supplements is up to st andards set by FAO and WHO. The Food and Drugs Administration also monitors the design and the construction of the plants that manufacture the dietary supplements, the keeping of records, testing of ingredients ,final products and complaints processes as part of as part of quality assurance .Good manufacturing practices refers to the strict and detailed procedures set out to ensure quality of the manufacturing process of certain products such as food, drugs and dietary supplements . The good manufacturing practices proposed by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) helps establish systems that are able to prevent inconsistency, product contamination, unsanitary manufacturing, mistakes in product labeling and other production processes that have effects on human health. In the year 2003, the Food and Drugs Administration proposed a guideline for the current good manufacturing practices in relations to manufacturing, dietary ingredients, packaging and the dietary supplements.Th e Food and Drugs Administration experience certain challenges such as the 1994 passing of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DHSEA) , which limited the ability of the Food and drugs Administration to exercise authority over the dietary supplements as long as the distributors and manufacturers make no claim that their products treats ,prevents or cures diseases (Jaroff, pgs 75). The DHSEA is a product of intense lobbying by the manufacturers of the dietary supplements. This law exposes the consumers of dietary supplements to the risks of using substandard products, products containing harmful substances and the health risks associated with consumption of products with impurities and contaminants.This had negative effect on the responsibility of Food and Drugs and Administration since it has to prove that a dietary supplement contains harmful substances or is not safe. As a result, the FDA has made very little progress in terms of ensuring that the manufacturing companie s produce high quality and standardized products since it has only been able to top find the dietary supplement ephedra (the energy and weight loss substance) unsafe. The DHSEA provisions have negative impact on the regulation of the dietary supplement industry since it gives too much freedom to the dietary supplement manufacturers while restricting the ability of FDA to enforce standards and monitor quality of products.DHSEA restricts the ability of Food and Drugs Administration to regulate the activities of manufacturers hence providing little protection to the consumers from using harmful products available in the market. It is important to note that under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act it is the responsibility of the manufacturers to ensure that the dietary supplement they are producing are actually safe for human consumption before they commence marketing the products or distributing the dietary supplement to the market. The Food and Drugs Administration on the other hand can only take appropriate action once the dietary supplements already reach the market. In general, the manufacturers of the dietary supplement do not have to get approval from the Food and Drugs Administration of register with the FDA before they produce or sell the dietary supplements to the public. It is therefore incumbent upon the manufacturers of the dietary supplements to ensure that their products are safe for human consumption.There is equally need to develop regulations that compel the manufacturers of dietary supplements to convince or demonstrate to the Food and Drugs Administration that their products are safe for human consumption and that the information provided on the label is accurate. Currently, there is no provision or regulation in the law that compels the manufacturers of the dietary supplements to demonstrate to the Food and Drugs Administration or the consumers that the information and evidence on the safety of their products is accurate. It shoul d be mandatory requirement of every manufacturer to inform the FDA and by extension, the consumers of the evidence on the safety of dietary supplements they are producing.The FDA need to have extra regulations to enable it validate claims from consumers that regards the safety of dietary supplements. The FDA Should be able the claims that concerns on the contents of advertisements, printed media, product labels and media. Currently, the responsibility of validating such claims from the consumers or public lies with the manufacturers. The Food and Drugs Administration should be able to handle the claims relating to health, structures or function and the ingredient content claims. The is need to establish legislations that mandates the FDA consumer claims concerning disease, food substance or health ,the contents of the dietary supplements, and the potential benefits of using a particular dietary product. The FDA should have a greater influence and a tighter control of the dietary s upplement industry in order to protect the consumers from unsafe products.There is need to come up with a regulation that eliminates the restrictions on health claims concerning dietary supplements since there are sufficient mechanisms that can hinder misleading and false claims. This will enable the FDA ensure that weight loss claims are true .It is equally prudent to come up with regulations that will enable the FDA keep information on the dietary supplements in the market and their manufacturers for purposes of handling claims and concerns from the consumers. The regulations should enable the FDA have other means of carrying out their mandate other than relying on adverse reports such as deaths, illnesses and injuries.There debate on whether the Food and Drugs Administration require extra regulations to perform its duties is double sided. The argument that the Food and Drugs Administration has adequate regulations to carry out its limited mandated advances that the manufacturers of dietary supplements should not register with the Food and Drugs Administration and that the manufacturers do not need to obtain any kind of approval from the FDA before the produce or sell their products to the consumers. The are people who are comfortable with the fact that the manufacturers are and should be responsible for ensuring safety of the dietary supplements before releasing their products to the market.The passing of DSHEA thrived on the argument that consumers should have an opportunity to make their own choices as regards the use or consumption of dietary supplement and that involvement of the FDA amounts to government infringing on the rights of Americans to choose. In line with this argument is the claim that consumers should be able to make choices on preventive healthcare programs depending on data from studies on health benefits of particular dietary supplements as long as the study is scientific. The individuals who favor this argument hold that the America n government should not impose regulations that are unreasonable hence slowing or limiting the flow of information and safe dietary supplements from reaching the consumers.There is an argument that if unrestricted or unlimited, the FDA will arbitrarily take punitive actions against particular dietary supplement manufacturers without fully demonstrating that their dietary supplements are actually unsafe. The power of FDA to remove a product from the market need to be restricted since they may remove a dietary supplement from the market based on some kind of arbitrary standard they consider reasonable and based on lack of adequate information.In conclusion, the FDA needs to have more regulations to ensure that they execute their mandate properly and protect the consumers from any unsafe dietary supplements. The manufacturing companies should be able to demonstrate to the FDA that the dietary supplements they are producing are safe, as this will eliminate the chances of any unsafe prod uct from reaching the market. The current regulations and legislations in place are not sufficient to enable the FDA protect the consumers from the risks of using harmful substances marketed as food supplement. There is need to come up with policies that can enable the Food and Drugs Administration ensure that the manufacturers of dietary supplements operate within the internationally recognized standards.The regulations should help the Food and Drugs Administration ensure safety of the dietary supplements before they enter the market. It is however important to ensure that any regulation aimed at bolstering the efficiency of the FDA does not affect the manufacturers of dietary supplement negatively hence resulting in a deficit of the important products. The FDA should be able to ensure that the dietary supplements are safe for consumption and that the consumers are in a position to make informed choices about the dietary supplements in order to improve their health.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Body Modification And Human Physical Appearance - 1628 Words
From culture to culture, body modification can be viewed as a true positive expression of one’s identity or viewed as forbidden and the person is shunned from society forever. In corporate America, it is considered taboo and will not earn respect or a job. In rural America, you are perceived as unclean and destroying the perfect body God gave you. But, in urban America on the streets of Brooklyn, the person is unique and exciting. Body modification or the deliberate altering of the human anatomy or human physical appearance ( can be achieved in many ways. Some of the more extreme ways are facial and body piercing and tattoos however, something as small as a basic ear piercing still counts as modification. Many African and†¦show more content†¦These people could show their similarity through the use of similar scarification patterns, similar ear stretching methods, and similar neck stretching technics. This modification also showcases the expressions of the wearer. The wearer could have scars to show age and importance or scars to show marital status and wealth. Tribal people, such as PaDaung women of Thailand, use different forms of modification to flaunt their wealth and marital status in the act of stretching their neck with brass rings. The origins of this tradition is said to be due to â€Å"rendering the women incapable of farming or heavy labor†(Jefkin-Elnekave) which in turn protects the women from being kidnapped by slave traders which is very common in this part of Asia. So, in essence this form of modification actually protects these women. This implies that modification as a whole is used in most cultures as a form of invisibility. People in these cultures ultimately, assume the characteristics associated the modification and strive to live up to the ideals the modification stands for. Furthermore, the Bume of Ethiopia use body scarification as a form of personal achievement earned after a hunt or kill. These scares are given in a complex ritual. This modification is a rite of passage into adulthood for many African tribes. The scarring emulates the manliness of the wearer. The scars show off their achievements and are very prestigious and aid these men in finding aShow MoreRelatedShould Body Modifications Be Allowed?1226 Words  | 5 Pageslimitations as to which occupation they have because modifications do not harm customers or others, they are people who need jobs like the rest of us, and it is unfair. Often, when most people hear the words â€Å"body modifications†they think about the huge plates in people’s ears or lips. Most people fail to realize that body modifications can be as simple as tanning, dieting, or more drastic, plastic surgery. As society develops, body modifications such as tattooing, hair color, and stretched ears areRead Mo reRoman Cohen. Mr. Dunham. Career Ed. 25 January 2017. The1652 Words  | 7 PagesEffect of Genetic Markers Genetic markers don’t always match physical appearance. First of all, a genetic marker is a gene or short sequence of DNA. Since the beginning of time our genetics have been changing constantly due to a lot of different aspects. Some causes of change include aging. As we get older our bodies chemicals change, we produce more and less of certain chemicals, for example; insulin. The changing of chemicals affect our body not just on the outside, but on the inside. It affects theRead MoreIdeal Body Types in Hong Kong Essay1541 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Topic: What are the ideal body types for men and women in Hong Kong society? In what ways are these body types perpetuated through mass media, technology, and medicine? According to Bartky (1999), is body modification a form of self-empowerment or self-punishment? Introduction Human body is one of the elements used to assess the attractiveness of a person. Since the aesthetics theory varies in different countries and regions due to different history and cultural background, the descriptionRead MoreGenetic Markers Don t Always Match Physical Appearance1638 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic markers don’t always match physical appearance. First of all, a genetic marker is a gene or short sequence of DNA. Since the beginning of time our genetics have been changing constantly due to a lot of different aspects. Some causes of change include aging. As we get older our bodies chemicals change, we produce more and less of certain chemicals, for example; insulin. The changing of chemicals affect our body not just on the outside, but on the inside. It affects the way our genetic markersRead MoreThe Engineering of Human Genetics in Dreams and Nightmares Essay1274 Words  | 6 Pagesbreakthroughs and advancements at a rapid pace. The velocity of the incoming disc overies may allow one to overlook the powerful emphasis we as humans hold over human life itself. 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Many men and women are willing to pay top dollar for permanent changes masked by the belief that it willRead MoreThe Practice of Body Piercing1130 Words  | 4 Pagesfunctioning part of the body or going ‘under the knife’ to alter ones genitalia? The pressure for a person to meet standards of beauty are everywhere one looks. From the dazzling models seen on billboards on the way to the supermarket, to to extensive advertising to buy a product to transform one’s body, the pressure for someone to alter their body is everywhere. By giving a brief history of body modification, giving examples of the way that individuals modify their bodies today, and explainingRead MoreBody Modifications Are An Example Of External Cues1533 Words  | 7 Pagesand/or lifestyle. Body modifications are an example of external cues that are associated with a wide range of psychological judgments, specifically tattoos and piercings. As tattoos and piercings have become increasingly commonplace, the perception of this particular type of self-expression has gradually changed from very negative to a more positive perception. Despite this, I believe that many people still mentally hold on to the association between deviance and body modifications, even though peopleRead MoreTaking a Look at Designer Babies1085 Words  | 4 Pagesscientists and researchers are slowly taking genetic engineering to a whole new level which jeopardizes the uniqueness of the human race. Genetic engineering has rapidly become hardwired into our society since its discovery in the late 1960s. The process involves removing DNA from an organism and modifying that strand of DNA in order to revise the functions or appearance of the organism (Cecil). The process is much like taking pages from two separate books and adding the pages to a third book toRead MoreHow Cooking Made Us Humans By Richard Wrangham1433 Words  | 6 Pagesexecuted in most human individuals’ everyday lifestyle, but has also increased their fitness in the course of time. In Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Humans by Richard Wrangham, Wrangham similar idea convinces me. Wrangham declares that it was fire and cooking that led to new crucial physical traits developed in humans. Whether fire was created as a coincidence or presented to humans’ previous common ancestors by nature, cooking is one of the factors that has attributed to humans’ internal and external
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
We Must Put an End to Police Brutality - 2016 Words
Could you imagine being pulled over for a speeding ticket and ending up in the hospital? Or getting in a car accident then being shot in the stomach? It’s hard to grasp but things like this happen every single day in America, the prime suspects†¦ our police force. There are various stories and reports that all support one consensus; our law enforcement officers are overstepping their boundaries and transcending the division between military and police as well as inching America toward being a police state. Preventative measures must be taken or the future of our freedom will be glum. There are many solutions for this issue for example: restrict police force numbers, amend the constitution accordingly, and stop the domestic use of military†¦show more content†¦O’Donnell 15). This was true in 1981 and is still true to this day. There is a plethora of news stories and articles about police brutality, showing how officers blatantly overstep their boundaries an d nearly never get punishment. Many are quite shocking like the incident that happened literally a few blocks down the street from our beloved high school. During the heated man hunt for officer Dorner (a very large African American man) two women in a newspaper truck were shot at an astounding 103 times, hitting the older woman in the back twice and wounding the other. They were offered a $4.2 million dollar settlement and the officers were put back onto our streets. This could have been any of us; myself on the way to school, my best friend Jesse, or even Dr. Wesley in her Range Rover. Another incident happened in New York City when police were in pursuit of a man that was allegedly weaving through cars in Times Square, the officers fired straight into the crowd and shot two women. The guilty officers faced no punishment but the man that they were in pursuit of was charged with felony assault on the grounds that he was responsible for the injuries that the police had caused. This does not sound like the justice system the forefathers dreamt of. ThisShow MoreRelated We Must Put an End to Police Brutality4558 Words  | 19 PagesRodney King, one of America’s most powerful civil rights activists for people abused by police, has taught the world a lesson in his plea: â€Å"People, I just want to say, can’t we all get along?†On March 3, 1991, after a high-speed chase, King was pulled out of his car, thrown on to the ground, and beaten up by the Los Angeles police, which George Holliday videotaped. The four L.A.P.D. officers involved were charged with assault with a deadly weapon and one officer was charged with using of excessiveRead MorePolice Brutality Is Not A Problem1545 Words  | 7 PagesPolice officers are individuals who enforce the law upon their community to ensure that their citizens remain safe. In the past couple of years, officers of the law have been involved in acts of brutality that seem to go beyond the proper measure ments of protection for their citizens. Policemen are supposed to protect their citizens from danger and from harm, not impose a threat on them. The fact that officers have a history of abusing their power indicates that their trust amongst the communityRead MorePersuasive Essay On Police Brutality1079 Words  | 5 Pagessimplest procedures such as a traffic stop. Most do not even want to encounter a policer officer. The reason why? Police brutality. The article Police Brutality by gale defines police brutality as: The use of unnecessary, excessive force by police in their encounters with civilians. The force used is beyond what would be considered necessary in the situation at hand. (Police Brutality). The same individuals who are supposed to protect and serve the citizens of the United States have instilledRead MorePolice Violence Has Gone On Since Slavery Times959 Words  | 4 PagesPolice violence has gone on since slavery times, but had a big impact on the early 40’s- late 60’s. On June 27, 1969 Helen Smith stood with Donald Best, patrolman Alvin Nachman approached with his dog and ordered to â€Å"hold the noise down†. No neighbors had complained about anything, the police dog attacked Ms Smith and as she fought off the officer maced Ms Smith. She had to get a total of 75 stitches over her body, and was charged with assault on an officer (Alexandria Wicle). 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Only to leave that same police van half an hour later, in a coma, with severe injuries to his spinal cord. Thirty minutes is all it took, for a seemingly healthy man, to end up in the back of an ambulance. He died one week laterRead MorePolice Brutality And The Law Enforcement846 Words  | 4 Pagesdemonstrating the brutality of law enforcement has been becoming more frequent over the past couple of years. When you hear about these cases of police brutality, how often is it that law enforcement officials are punished for the crime they have perpetrated? Most of the time the law enforcement officials, who are very well in the wrong do not get any kind of punishment whatsoever for the crimes that they have committed and it all comes back to the power that they have. Police brutality cases have beenRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Racism And Brutality By Cassandra Chaney1226 Words  | 5 PagesIn the article, Racism and Brutality in America, author Cassandra Chaney presented the case of Rodney King, a forty-seven year old African-American taxi driver, who was brutally attacked four LAPD police officers. According to her novel, the aim of her study was â€Å"to examine how the public generally perceive police and how race and racism shape this discourse.†Unfortunately, the public was left clueless. Rodney King’s case was left unfinished as the media never released any studies of implicationsRead MorePolice Brutality Is An Act Of Aggression And Unnecessary Force1571 Words  | 7 Pagesestimate annual cost of police misconduct to taxpayers is 1.8 trillion dollars (Wing 2015)? Police brutality is an act of aggression and unnecessary force to handle a situation, most cases in physical form. It also plays a role in ethnicity, not all, but most police officers are still racial profiling. This controversy has been an issue of the U.S criminal justice system for decades, especially among minorities. In 2015, a record 1,207 people were killed by American police, making us the only nationRead MoreThe Monster And The Police1512 Words  | 7 Pageshumans when they obtain power, even those who are bound or enforce the law. Mark Neocleous explores this within his article titled The Monster And The Police, Dexter To Hobbes, published on May/June 2014 within the Journal: Radical Philosophy 185. Within this journal article; Neocleous discussed the problem of police brutality and the attitude that police have about themselves regarding the authority they possess that they may place before the law, and the need for such behaviour to be revoked. He introduces
Glass Ceiling Topic Free Essays
INTRODUCTION: The research team has selected the topic of â€Å"Glass ceiling†for the research project. It has been observed that during the last few years a lot of women are going in management field but not a lot of them are getting an opportunity to get into the top management positions. This has got nothing to do with their abilities and dedication to their work, it is clear that glass ceiling is affecting and stopping the women from reaching the top management positions. We will write a custom essay sample on Glass Ceiling Topic or any similar topic only for you Order Now The problem of glass ceiling persists in the other countries of the world as is clear from the previous researches but this problem is more evident in Pakistan. This is because despite the boom in education sector, the society still remains conservative and negative feelings and stereotypes do exist against women employees. As a result of the glass ceiling, the performance of women employees is also being affected. This is a cause of concern and it is happening because women managers feel that they are not being treated equally. They develop the feelings that their efforts are not being properly rewarded. Due to the presence of pre-defined rules and regulation for promotions women working in public sector are not being affected a great deal by glass ceiling. Thus it is the private sector where the women are facing glass ceiling the most. The significance of this study is that the research team looked into the main problems which are prohibiting the women from going into the top management positions. By identifying the factors causing the problems, the team will be able to judge the reasons and help eradicate them. It is important to look in the organizational factors that would help the women to reach to top management positions as early as they deserve. This study is an effort to not only identify the factors responsible for affecting the performance of women managers through glass ceiling but also to give solutions to over come from this problems. LITERATURE REVIEW The term ‘glass ceiling’ refers to the transparent but real and strong barrier which prevents women from moving up in the management hierarchy in an organization (Morrison Glinow, 1990). The minority of women in senior management has led many researchers to investigate whether glass ceiling barriers such as sexual discrimination, gender wage gap, gender stereotype, harassment and lack of family-friendly workplace policies in the organizations are at play and how these barriers affect the performance of female employees in the organizations (Jeavons Sevastos, 2002). The existence of glass ceiling in different organizations, cultures and time span has been confirmed by many researchers. In 1997, Tokunaga Graham looked at employees in the technical division at one large Fortune 500 corporation and found that female engineers could not advance as far up the corporate hierarchy as did the male engineers, thereby providing evidence for the existence of a â€Å"glass ceiling†against women. A research conducted by Veale Gold (1998) in Metropolitan District Council situated in Yorkshire, UK also confirmed that a glass ceiling did exist within the council and this inhibited women’s progression into senior management. This existence of a strong glass ceiling effect prevents women to progress in the organizations. A study controlled for previous job experience, education, age, tenure, initial job level and gender showed that even levels of promotions existed for men and women. However, qualitative data showed that women were employed by the organization at a level that was lower than their qualifications, or lower than men doing the same job. Therefore, even with equal rates of promotion, women will not progress as far as men (Jeavons Sevastos, 2002). There a number of factors that keeps the glass ceiling in effect. One of them is the gender stereotype. Over the last three decades, Schein (2007) found that gender stereotyping of the managerial position has continued to be the major barrier to women’s progress in management, worldwide. He also shown that on international level, the view of women as less likely than men to possess requisite management characteristics is a commonly held belief among male management students in the USA, the UK, Germany, China and Japan. Apart from gender stereotyping, gender wage gap also plays its role in the organizations. Across a sample of eleven European Union countries in 1995–2001 Booth Bryan (2007) found that women were paid less than men and this wage gap typically widened toward the top of the wage distribution (the â€Å"glass ceiling†effect), and in a few cases it also widened at the bottom (the â€Å"sticky floor†effect). In recent studies of promotion to partner process, Kumra Vinnicombe (2008) concluded that the disadvantages women face in organizations in relation to the promotion to partner process arise from a combination of firm-based and societal based factors. Discussing the relationship between discrimination, harassment and glass ceiling (Bell, McLaughlin Sequeira, 2002), glass ceiling was referred as one of the form of sex discrimination. In the study it was concluded that because all three have some common antecedents, steps to reduce one of them will likely affect the others. Apart from that they suggested that measures designed to increase numbers of women in higher level positions will reduce sexual harassment. As a result of this glass ceiling there is an inclination of women to entrepreneurship as a result of barriers to women’s advancements in corporation (Mattis, 2004). Mattis showed that lack of flexibility continued to be a feature of the corporate culture that lead to the attrition of high potential women and contributed to the dramatic increase in entrepreneurship among women in the US Glass ceiling affects the performance of women at managerial posts. Some of the â€Å"masculine†organizational barriers that severely hinder women’s ability to be effective in their role as strategic decision makers include reluctance of male subordinates towards female managers; isolation by male colleagues; exclusion from male-dominated informal networks and the lack of mentorship (Okanlawon, 1994). Exploration of a model of decision making (Large Saunders, 1995) explains how a combination of both individual choices (employees’ own perceptions, requirements and priorities like family, social life) and organizational blockages (organizational structure, policies and culture) maintains the glass ceiling. Gender related attributes also play their role. An appropriate theoretical foundation for explaining differences between male and female service providers originates in the sociology literature and is referred to as feminist theory. This theory proffers two perspectives regarding gender-related differences in performance. One argues that there are a wide variety of issues that are impacted by society’s attitudes towards women (Hooks, 2000). These attitudes are based in the history and institutional structure of society. As a result, women are treated differently than men, so that the performance of businesses owned by women suffers. Another stream of literature argues that there are innate differences between male and female approaches to issues. These differences lead women to take different actions than males in similar situations (Buttner, 2001; Fletcher, 1998). There is an alternative theoretical perspective that would not accept the arguments advanced by feminist theory. The foundation for most of this research is the rational economic model (Ferber Nelson, 1993). This theory argues that individuals make rational economic choices and seek to maximize economic benefit to themselves or the firm. Most of these models assume that customers are economically rational and will make their choices based on the benefits gained from the transaction, and not the gender of the service provider. Prior research on whether gender as an impact on the financial performance of professional service providers has not provided clear insights on whether feminist theory or the rational economic model is more valid. Some researchers find that women achieve lower financial performance than men (Hisrich Brush, 1984; Loscocco, Robinson, Hall, Allen, 1991; Lustgarten, 1995; Chaganti Prasuraman, 1997; Fasci Valdez, 1998), while others argue that there is no performance difference between male female owned enterprises (Fischer, Reuber Dyke, 1993; Kalleberg Leicht, 1991). Davidson Cooper (1983) found that managerial women experience greater strain and feel more isolated at work than males which in turn affect their performance. There is gender difference in leadership because of negative perception and evaluation of women in leadership (Stelter 2002). Sex role orientation and the stereotype of manager role as masculine construct, along with lack of career planning among women are predominant theme that explains why so few women progress to leadership position (Chugh Sehgal 2007). Women are not advancing in work place because they did not receive training to perform job moreover manager do not appreciate achievements of their women employee as compare to men (Asplund 1988). RESEARCH QUESTION How glass ceiling affect the job performance of managerial women? THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK There are three variables which are under study. Job performance is dependent variable and it is the variable of primary interest and changes or variations in job performance will be explained by two independent variables (1) gender stereotyping (2) cooperation among colleagues. Gender stereotyping has negative relation with job performance i. e. if there is less gender stereotyping among the members of organization then greater will be the job performance. Cooperation has positive relation with job performance i. e. if there is more cooperation among the employees the greater will be the job performance. Review of past researches shows if there is gender stereotyping female manager can not get the equal opportunities, males are only favoring the males so ultimately it affect the job performance of female employees that’s why there is a negative relation between job performance and gender stereotype. Past researches also shows that the cooperation plays a very important role in increasing the job performance because if there is a cooperation among employees then they can motivate each other and it leads towards increase in job performance. Independent Variable Dependent variable [pic] Independent Variable HYPOTHESES ? If cooperation among the colleagues at work place is increased then the job performance of managerial women will be increased. ? If gender stereotyping is reduced at work place then the job performance of managerial women will be increased. METHODOLOGY Study design In this cross-sectional co-relational field study data on two independent variables (gender stereotype, cooperation among colleagues) and dependent variable(job performance) were collected from both males and females at management level working in private organizations( PIFRA(Project to Improve Financial Reporting and Auditing) World bank, Ittehad airlines,IBM Pakistan) in Islamabad through personally administered questionnaires. Population and Sample Population for the study comprised all men and women at managerial level working in private organizations in Islamabad. Quota sampling method was used to draw sample out of population because it was deemed fit by the researchers on the basis of cost and time considerations. Subjects were chosen in predetermined numbers. The total sample size was n=34 which comprised 14 (41. 2%) males and 20(58. 8%) females. 40 questionnaires were given to both gender and they all were received back within a time period of 2 weeks, resulting in 100% response rate because questionnaires were personally administered and researchers clarify research topic, doubts and assist some of the respondents in understanding some questions. The units of analysis were individuals who responded to the survey. Out of females 8 (40 %) were at low and 12 (60 %) were at middle level management. Out of males 8 (57. 1 %) were at low and 6 (42. 9 %) were at middle level management. During data filtration patterns were observed in 6 out of 40 questionnaires of which 3 were filled by males and rest by females, such questionnaires were set a side and remaining 34 were used for analysis. 7 questionnaires include missing items ranging from 1 to 2 so middle value on the interval scale i. e. 3(unsure) was assigned to them. Variables and Measures Questionnaires include two demographic variables (gender managerial level), they were tapped by direct single questions. ? Job performance: This dependent variable indicates the extent to which employees of the organization are expected to acquire job knowledge, achieve assigned goals and maintain better work related relations with members of organization at workplace. Researchers develop 5 point interval scale containing 6 items to measure the relationship of this variable with cooperation among colleagues (independent variable). An example item is â€Å"A friendly atmosphere among colleagues at work place leads to better job performance†Reliability of these items checked via SPSS SOFTWARE gave alpha= . 56 Means reliable. Researchers used 8 items scale to measure the relationship of job performance with gender stereotype (independent variable). An example item is â€Å"I feel additional pressure to perform because I am women†. Reliability of these items checked via SPSS SOFTWARE gave alpha= . 6334 ? Gender stereotype: Stereotypes of men and women commonly reflect the distinction made in implicit personality theory between agency and communion (e. . , Rosenberg, Nelson, Vivekananthan, 1968). This independent variable was measured using 5 point interval scale containing 14 items. An example item is â€Å"a woman’s place is in home†Reliability of these items checked via SPSS SOFTWARE gave alpha= . 636 ? Cooperation among colleagues: †cooperation is a process by which individu als, groups and organizations come together, interact and form psychological relationships for mutual gain or benefit (Smith et al. , 1995)†. This independent variable was measured using 5 point interval scale containing 10 items. An example item is â€Å"open communication of relevant information occurs between male and female colleagues†Reliability of these items checked via SPSS SOFTWARE gave alpha= . 634 Data collection method Data was collected through personally administered questionnaires because the survey was confined to local area i. e. Islamabad. Moreover, this method was deemed fit in Pakistan as compared to mailed and electronic questionnaires. Method of personally administered questionnaires was adopted to introduce research topic, clarify doubts of respondents and collect all the completed responses within a short span of time. All questionnaires were received back within 2 weeks. 5 point interval scale was used for data collection containing range from â€Å"strongly disagree to strongly agree†RESULTS In order to test the formulated hypotheses, statistical analysis of the responses of the questionnaires was done. The reliability of the four scales is given below: Reliability of Cooperation among colleagues (CAC) scale Table 1 Alpha Reliability Coefficient of CAC for the Main Study (N=34) Scale No. of items Alpha coefficient CAC 10 0. 34 Table 1 shows the alpha reliability (r=0. 634) for the CAC scale. The results in table 1 show that scale has satisfactory reliability. Reliability of Gender stereotyping (GS) scale Table 2 Alpha Reliability Coefficient of SRS for the Main Study (N=34) Scale No. of items Alpha coefficient GS 14 0. 636 Table 2 shows the alpha reliability (r=0. 636) for the SRS scale. The results in table 2 show that scale has satisfactory reliability. Reliability of Cooperation effect on Performance (CEP) scale Table 3 Alpha Reliability Coefficient of CEP for the Main Study (N=34) Scale No. of items Alpha coefficient CEP 6 0. 56 Table 3 shows the alpha reliability (r=0. 56) for the PER scale. The results in table 3 show that scale has satisfactory reliability. Reliability of Stereotyping effect on Performance (SEP) scale Table 4 Alpha Reliability Coefficient of SEP for the Main Study (N=34) Scale No. of items Alpha coefficient SEP 6 0. 633 Table 4 shows the alpha reliability (r=0. 633) for the PER scale. The results in table 4 show that scale has satisfactory reliability. The results are organized under five main headings: 1) Cooperation among colleagues 2) Sex-role stereotype 3) Perception about female managers 4) Effect of cooperation on performance of female managers 5) Effect of stereotyping on performance of female managers Cooperation among colleagues Table 5 GenderMeanNSD Male 3. 45140. 63 Female 3. 39200. 43 Note: Scale: strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5) The male respondents think that cooperation does exist in private organizations among male and female colleagues (3. 45). Female respondents also think that cooperation exist between male and female colleagues (3. 39). Sex-role stereotype Table 6 GenderMeanNSD Male 3. 10140. 92 Female 2. 76200. 813 Note: Scale: strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5) Sex role stereotyping does exist in male respondents but its very less (3. 1). However it does not exist in female respondents (2. 76). Perception about female managers Table 7 GenderMeanNSD Male 2. 67140. 83 Female 3. 51200. 51 Note: Scale: strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5) The male respondents do not think that female managers have to be more competent than males and behave in a typically ‘masculine way’ in order to be noticed and promoted (2. 67). However female respondents think that they are required to be more competent in order to be taken seriously (3. 39). Effect of cooperation on performance of female managers Table 8 Correlation between Cooperation among colleagues and performance of female managers (N=34) Correlation r Correlation between . 286 cooperation among colleagues nd performance of female managers ____________________________________________________________ ____________ p=0. 101 Table 8 shows that the hypothesis assuming that there is a relationship between cooperation among colleagues and performance of female managers is accepted as there is non-significant relationship between these two. Results indicate a weak relationship between cooperation among colleagues a nd performance of female managers. Results also show that only 8% of job performance of female managers is affected by cooperation among colleagues. Effect of stereotyping on performance of female managers Table 9 Correlation between stereotyping and performance of female managers (N=34) Correlation r Correlation between . 117 stereotyping and performance of female managers ____________________________________________________________ ____________ p=0. 510 Table 9 shows that the hypothesis assuming that there is a relationship between stereotyping and performance of female managers is rejected as there is non-significant relationship between these two. Results indicate a weak relationship between stereotyping and performance of female managers. Results also show that only 1% of job performance of female managers is affected by stereotyping. DISCUSSION The purpose of this study was to see the level of cooperation among colleagues and the gender stereotyping in private organizations and then to determine the impact of these two on the performance of female managers in the private organizations. The statistical analysis of the data acquired from the filled questionnaires revealed that both male and female managers at the low and middle level of organization think that there exists a friendly atmosphere among male and female colleagues at work place. They help each other in time of need and in performing work related tasks. Though both male and female agree that cooperation does exist but the interesting finding is that male employees perceive that there is cooperation among colleagues more then female employees do. Another interesting finding is that male employees think that a woman’s place is in home and they are not suited for work outside of the home. According to their point of view traditional husband/wife roles are the best and that it is the job of women to manage the home and men to go out to work. Also, they think that women lack the skills and abilities needed at work. This finding is supported by a study conducted by Schein (2007) who found that on international level, the view of women as less likely than men to possess requisite management characteristics is a commonly held belief among male management students in the USA, the UK, Germany, China and Japan. However, female employees do not think that women lack the managerial skills and that they are not suited for work outside the home. Female employees think that compared to male managers, female managers must continually prove themselves in order to be taken seriously and get promoted. Whereas male managers think that male and female managers are treated equally and in the same fashion as those of male managers. These results are supported by (Jeavons Sevastos, 2002) who found out that the existence of a strong glass ceiling effect prevents women to progress in the organizations. The researchers also showed that women were employed by the organization at a level that was lower than their qualifications, or lower than men doing the same job It was hypothesized that if the cooperation among colleagues is increased then the performance of female managers will be enhanced. The study results show that there exist a relationship between cooperation among colleagues and the performance of female managers. So the study results show that if the cooperation among colleagues is increased there will be an improvement in the performance of female managers. This finding is also proved by a previous study conducted by (Okanlawon, 1994) that glass ceiling affects the performance of women at managerial posts and a friendly atmosphere among male and female colleagues contributes in the better and improved performance of female managers. Another hypothesis that was formulated was that the reduction in gender stereotyping will result in an improved performance of female managers. This hypothesis has been proved wrong. The study shows that there is a very weak relationship between stereotyping and the performance of female managers. Also these two are weakly correlated in a positive way. The conclusion drawn is that in the private organizations of Pakistan, female employees do not bother about what male think of females as managers. Female managers do not feel discouraged due to stereotyping. Their work activities, abilities and morale is not affected by the stereotyping of male colleagues. CONCLUSION The study aimed at finding either male and female colleagues in organizations cooperate with each other and either gender stereotyping exists among male and female managers. The findings show that both male and female employees at managerial posts of private organizations agree that cooperation does exist but the degree of agreement is higher in male then in female managers. The study was also aimed to see if there exist a relationship between cooperation among colleagues and job performance of female managers. A moderate relationship does exist between cooperation and female managers’ job performance. Hence if the level of comfort and cooperation among male and female colleagues at work is enhanced, female managers’ performance will improve. It is evident from the findings of the study that female managers’ performance is not affected by the gender stereotyping of their male peers. RECOMMENDATIONS Since it has been found that a friendly atmosphere among male and female employees at workplace plays a vital role in the better performance of female managers, the private organizations in Pakistan should figure out ways and make policies to make sure that female employees feel at ease with their male peers and both male and female employees work together and coordinate with each other in order to enhance employees’ performance. LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH The generalizability of the results of this study is low since a non-probability sampling technique was used due to lack of time and resources. The sample size is also very small (n=34) which is not suitable for such kind of research. For future research, work which look more directly at these issues taking a larger sample size will be encouraged. Also it is required to see that though gender stereotyping is not affecting the performance of female managers but it is probable that gender stereotyping that is being found in Pakistani organization might be affecting the hiring or/and promotion criterion of female managers. REFERENCES Virginia E. Schein (2007). Women in management: reflections and projections. Women in Management Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 6-18. Camilla Veale, Jeff Gold (1998). Smashing into the glass ceiling for women managers. Journal of Management Development, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 17-26. Author, Howard Tokunaga Tracy Graham (1997). 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Friday, April 24, 2020
Singl-Sex Schools free essay sample
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